Pairwise testing has a wide range of applicability. For example, you can apply pairwise testing to
- Control flows for desktop applications, mobile apps and websites.
- Input parameters to functions, objects and whole programs.
- Software and Hardware Product Lines.
- Highly configurable systems.
- Systems which operates in complex environments.
Specify Requirements for the Tests
Test suites often have requirements that the tests need to adhere to. Pairwiser lets you specify requirements as complete or partial tests.
The requirements will be included optimally in generated tests. Pairwiser will cover the remaining part of the system not covered by the requirements.
Requirements does not mean that the test suite will increase in size, only that the requirements will be included as a part of the test suite.
Generate 1, 2, 3-wise and Mixed Strength Tests
Pairwiser lets you generate pairwise test cases! Define the parameters or inputs of your system or program and generate test cases.
Use our market-leading test generation algorithm to generate pairwise as well as 1-wise and 3-wise tests. You can also generate mixed-strength tests by specifying how many interactions to test for each parameter.
Do you have a complex system? Our algorithm generates tests for the largest systems out there!
Visualize the Coverage
The online tool analyzes the coverage increase after each new test has been added to the test suite.
Notice how the increase in coverage slowly approaches 100% towards the right. This gives the test suite the thoroughness that pairwise testing is famous for.
Select the amount of tests you need to maximize the coverage within your time and budget!
For example, in the diagram on the left we see that only five tests takes you above 90% pairwise coverage!
Generate Test Scripts
After you have generated tests you can generate test scripts. Test scripts can be given to testers, imported into testing tools or added to code-bases as automated tests.
Our test script generation tool allow you to format your script as you like. Just mark the places in the text where you like the concrete test value to be entered. They will show up in bold text.
The tool also supports conditional test scripts based on the value of the test cases. You can conditionally output test values or other text as, for example, expected results the tester should look out for.
Test Scripts
Test Scripts can be for
- testers to follow manually.
- importing into testing tool.
- code used for automated testing.
The Fastest Pairwise Algorithm on the Market
Combinatorial algorithms, such as pairwise and 3-wise testing, takes a lot of resources to run. With our API you can integrate the market’s fastest pairwise and 3-wise algorithm in your tool or service.
Our algorithms can generate pairwise and 3-wise tests for even the largest systems.

Graph showing the performance of the pairwise algorithm. The x-axis shows the number of parameters and values and the y-axis is seconds.

Graph showing the performance of the 3-wise algorithm. The x-axis shows the number of parameters and values and the y-axis is seconds.